Connect Your
Healthcare Team

Simplify team and patient referral communication.
A platform for staff-to-staff and practice-to-practice collaboration.

Free team
messaging platform

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Practice communication simplified

Healthcare teams need the tools to communicate efficiently and effectively. Improve your team communication with the platform that will connect your staff and patient referral communication.

Bringing practices together

Team Connect

Referral Connect

We support local medical practices

Healthcare is best when local independent practices are able to thrive. In order to support this goal, the Staffapp Platform is developing tools that connect independent physicians, staff, medical practices, and care communities.

team of doctors

Team Connect

The first product is Team Connect. A convenient and efficient platform for communication between your medical team members. With Team Connect, you can share information, ask questions and get answers in real time. This allows for faster decision-making and better patient care.

a woman

Referral Connect

The second product is Referral Connect. An innovative service facilitating swift and seamless patient exchanges between healthcare providers. You can effortlessly expand your client base, strengthen professional connections, and boost revenue for your medical practice.

A growing marketplace of tools

and use the tools that support your practice.
If there's a tool or custom need not in the platform, just share your need and we will continue to provide new practice tools designed for your team.

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Team Secure Chat

Quickly communicate with your healthcare team.

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Team Library

One place for your shared notes, policies, documents, and more.

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Referral Connect

Easily create your custom referral network. And send, receive, and track direct referrals from a single dashboard.

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Managed Referral Services

Learn how to outsource your referral process, department, or augment your staff.

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Find Local Physicians & Referral Partners

Search for practices and providers  in your local area who are available for direct patient referrals.

Saving practices time so you can care for patients

Whether you are an independent practice, medical group, primary care provider, or specialty provider you can simplify your communication with Staffapp MD.

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Security & Compliance

Learn more about our HIPAA Compliance & Security process (including encryption, Business Associate Agreements, Safeguards & Assessments) to keep your PHI secure.

3 stars

Satisfied Users

Thank you for your feedback, suggestions, & support.
Let's continue to build a great platform & connect healthcare teams + communities.

initials DR in green circle
Dr. M. Lloyd

Greenfield Medical Group

5 stars

Staffapp makes it easy for our practice to message and organize information for our team.

initials DR in purple circle
Dr. Brittney T. Anderson


5 stars

Staff App MD is a game-changer for our clinic. It allows my staff and me a HIPAA-compliant way to communicate with each other without having to be in the same room. It saves time and really helps to aid in the efficiency of our clinic and flow!

initials PM in  dark blue circle

Practice Manager

5 stars

I save a lot of time with this simple tool.

initials AK in blue circle

Referral Coordinator

5 stars

I like that I'm able to communicate with all staff members.

Sign In and Connect Today

No contracts. No IT support needed.
No credit cards required.

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